People, I follow one of the compulsory subjects that discuss business issues. Yach, of course, discuss business issues because the introduction to business subjects. Class is tolerable according to my convenience, not because ruangannya lho! Coz the room is also used for the other eye kuliahku, I see more of the lecturers who bring smart lecture atmosphere. What can I say that ???!!! Ask why? Help because the one study that does not make me sleepy .. hehe ... (What the story of my subjects in the other? can Ask ma temen sekelasku:))
On the other .. I see there is the odd gaffe .. (I clearly odd name gaffe alone). Awkwardness that made me wonder, and the need is ...
Originally the class was run as class subjects in the laen. Walking is normal. And even nearly most students follow the class was very enthusiastic and interested. Moreover, when discussing issues e-business or electronic business is a more specific problem in the internet business. Most of the students almost terkagum amazed-and great surprise. "How are ya What money that way." If I get a normal aja,. (Wehh proud), bukanya gt,. What if the money on the internet do I have long heard, and I even like melakukanya even though I never seriously garap .. And there is also one of what is working in a world that has even the expert in the field, ranging from business click (the withdrawal adsense), selling the web server (web hosting), a web admin, the love try carding. Help that I have the usual things and also what is the kl surprised that more of a lecturer., Coz I also dive in the world outside the internet busy studying.
Either because the longer trend, not, or because saking antusiasnya, there is one that I have what I ditemenin blog. Perhaps because of the lecturers also discuss issues like blogs and any content on the course often upoad in blogs, and if there is to give a comment on the blog will be the value plus (but also do not know, denger2 do so). Word of the lecturers do not like to waste paper, each course is always in the material uploaded on the blog. also do not know what is, or may make nambah PageRank of a blog, or I know with many visitor syukur2 the ngeklik adsense'nya. (hehe ... coz the blog also includes material from the google ads) Wah I want gk Syu 'udzon ahh,, sin.
In addition to the blog, this study also created a mailing list. Students are expected to join the mailing list and include the name and the NIM at subscribe. Initially this list is very busy and many visitors, I also often ngangkring lho in this mailing list, but if I get more often is only the promo blog aja ( & who knows there is a stray on the blog and ngeklik adsense'nya, lumayan kan buat nambah $ .. But akhir2 this mailing list rather quiet start, and temenku that I have ditemenin blog was parenthesize niat'nya, introduction to business class and have something that strange! What happened? There's something wrong?
Looking at the next session paradigm STUDENTS ABOUT BUSINESS (part 2).
Do not miss it!
* This article was written without an offensive intended party, the name and place of occurrence concealed.
Business in this paper is a general business & there is no specialization in this category.
Sorry if there is a lot of mistakes in the write up & words